The 11 Most Unsafe Cars Of All-Time
Daniel Bonfiglio
It's worth noting that just about every modern car is safer than every older car. Innovations like airbags, seatbelts, and crumple zones have totally changed the game, but there are still cars that moonlight as metal deathtraps in the right conditions.
All things considered, here are 11 of the most unsafe cars of ever made.
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1. Ford Bronco II
The Ford Bronco II might look like a tough and rugged vehicle, but in reality it has some glaring issues. Its high center of gravity meant it was incredibly prone to rollovers, and its box shape didn’t help distribute force after an impact. Even the modern Bronco is lacking in the safety department. -
2. Mitsubishi Mirage
At 205 deaths per million registered vehicles, the Mitsubishi Mirage is the most dangerous car on the road today. It is also the cheapest car you can buy brand new, with a price tag around $17,000. (Why you would though is beyond me.) For that price you essentially get a moving box on wheels… and that’s it. No wonder its flimsy doors can’t withstand an impact from a lifted F-150. -
3. Yugo GV
The Yugo GV, (meaning great value), was one of the cheapest cars you could buy in the ‘80s. It was also horrible in just about every way, and its cheap plastic body did little to help occupants during accidents. -
4. Pontiac Fiero
As if its designers knew already, the Fiero had one glaring issue; fire. Poor wiring among other things meant that while the Fiero was good in an impact, it also had the tendency to spontaneously combust. -
5. Dodge Viper RT/10
The original Dodge Viper had tons of power… and that’s about it. No airbags, no ABS, no traction control, and tight handling meant that only the most skilled drivers could pilot the Viper safely. That’s not most people. -
6. Delorean DMC-12
Unlike other gull-winged cars, the Delorean DMC-12’s doors lacked a quick release feature, meaning that occupants were often stuck in their car after an accident. This gave the car an unsafe reputation. -
7. Chevrolet Corvair
The Corvair’s awful and unpredictable handling led to many accidents. It also had the tendency to spew toxic gasses into the cabin. -
8. Geo Metro
To quote one internet commenter on the Geo Metro, “You could double your side impact crash cushion by wearing a sweater.” Yeah, this piece of junk isn’t protecting you. -
9. Dodge Challenger
At 154 deaths per million registered vehicles, the Dodge Challenger is the second most deadly car on the road in the United States today. However, if you know anything about Challenger drivers, you’ll know that this stat isn’t really the cars fault. -
10. Ford Pinto
The Ford Pinto made the mistake of placing its fuel tank behind its rear axle. This meant that any rear end accident of moderate force could result in a deadly fireball… and they did. -
11. Reliant Robin
It’s hard to even include this three-wheeled tin can on a list like this, but why Reliant decided to design a vehicle that could tip over on command is beyond me. Granted it couldn’t go very fast, but there’s a reason it featured so heavily on shows like “Top Gear” and “Mr. Bean.”
- The 11 Most Unsafe Cars Of All-Time
- 15 Unsavory Facts About McDonald’s
Ford Bronco II
The Ford Bronco II might look like a tough and rugged vehicle, but in reality it has some glaring issues. Its high center of gravity meant it was incredibly prone to rollovers, and its box shape didn’t help distribute force after an impact. Even the modern Bronco is lacking in the safety department.
The Ford Bronco II might look like a tough and rugged vehicle, but in reality it has some glaring issues. Its high center of gravity meant it was incredibly prone to rollovers, and its box shape didn’t help distribute force after an impact. Even the modern Bronco is lacking in the safety department.